Blog of Rob Galanakis (@robgalanakis)

You will create a brave new world

Ian Cooper, one of the contributing authors at, recently wrote an article called ‘Why CRUD might be what they want, but may not be what they need‘.  While this applies mostly to the world of applications, I’ve been saying the same things about tools and pipeline for a while now.  The basic argument goes, the people designing/requesting our apps have a history and understanding of the process, and when we build new systems, they ask for optimized versions of that same process.  But there are very likely ways we can rethink that legacy process in the context of much better technology and software, and change the experience profoundly for the better.  It is our job, as the people who sit between technology and content development, to do that.

And the good news, as always, is that if we fuck up, no one dies.

Go ahead and read the article and see what I mean.

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